Abstract Paintings & Tribal Masks Exhibition At New Hampshire Antique Co-Op
Now on view through May 31, 2020
Congregational Church Stays Connected
During the suspension of in-person activities in light of the Covid-19 situation, the Congregational Church of Amherst, UCC has a variety of ways for members and others to connect with church programs. This is especially important during April as Holy Week and Easter are on the horizon.
The most up-to-date information about church activities can be found on the church’s website (ccamherst.org) or by calling the church office at 673-3231. Sunday services are broadcast on FacebookLive and recorded for later on-line viewing. Services are followed by a Virtual Fellowship Hour. Links for these and other events can be found on the website.
The church’s Facebook page is another source of information, including updates and video messages from the pastors. Pastors Maureen Frescott and Kate Kennedy are available to provide pastoral care during this time, and the church welcomes community members to connect with this loving, serving, open and affirming community of faith.

Lorraine Alice Hamilton
AMHERST – Lorraine Alice Hamilton of Amherst, New Hampshire, Beach Haven, New Jersey and Rancho Mirage, California died June 14, 2020 from pancreatic cancer at her home in California. She was 73 years old and a participant in the trial of a new cancer drug at NYU Langone in New York City since April 2019. She hoped that results from the trial would improve care for other patients who develop this cancer. She was with her family when she died and was

Donald Richard Haaker
Donald Richard Haaker, 80, born June 2, 1940, son of Carl E Haaker and Jeanne LaRochelle Haaker of Fitchburg, MA, son, brother, father, grandfather, and great grandfather, peacefully passed away on Sunday, June 7, 2020 at Saint Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford, MA.
Don, as he was affectionately referred to by friends, and Dad or Grandpa by family, was a proud veteran, avid fisherman, former business owner, collector of “As Seen On TV” gadgets, and
Invaluable Gardening Guide Now Available at Amherst Garden Center
AMHERST – Do you need a reminder of WHAT to do WHEN in your garden? Whether you are an experienced gardener or new to the scene, The Amherst Garden Club’s “Regional Gardening Throughout the Year” is an invaluable guide. Hundreds of helpful hints, facts, and gorgeous photos are categorized by month in a 12” x 9” calendar format. Guides are $15 each and available exclusively at Amherst Garden Center, Route 101, Amherst. It is a “perennial calendar” with no expiration date; it is invaluable year after year.

Sue Spiess and Meg Clemens, co-chairs of the AGC calendar committee
“Gardening Throughout the Year” is created in celebration of The Amherst Garden Club’s 50th anniversary in 2021. Since its inception, the club has been an integral part of the community. What began as a small group of women has grown into a group of 128 women and men who serve the community by following the club’s mission: “to provide education, resources and networking opportunities for members to promote the love of gardening, civic landscaping, and environmental responsibility.”
The club members, whether novice or experienced gardeners, work hard but enjoy sharing knowledge and gardening experience. The club currently maintains 10 civic gardens, provides scholarships to those seeking further education in horticulture-related endeavors, raises funds for the Memory Tree each Christmas, and supports other garden- and environment-related projects. The Memory Tree, a 25-year tradition, offers a way for the community to honor loved ones. Decorated with tiny white lights, it is located on the Green across from Moulton’s Market. Funds raised go to The Amherst Garden Club Charitable Fund, which grants money to worthy community projects consistent with the Garden Club’s mission.
Monthly daytime meetings always include educational programs with noted speakers, and are open to the public at no charge. New members are always welcome at the Amherst Garden Club. The meetings are open to the public on the first Thursday from September to May at 9:15 am at Messiah Lutheran Church, 303 Route 101, Amherst.

2nd Annual Michael J. O'Mara Golf Tournament – August 7, 2020
Amherst Country Club
Proceeds benefit local scholarships and recovery efforts for substance use disorder and mental health. Download Form
LaBelle Winery Receives Financial Help from “One-to-One” Local Business Initiative
AMHERST — Unlike many local businesses, Alkemy Partners in Amherst, NH, has not been significantly impacted by the economic downturn sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic, a circumstance that recently inspired Jim Kaveney, Alkemy’s president, to create an initiative called One-to-One, a program that will make it easier for small businesses that are doing well to help those that may be struggling.
Choosing to lead by example, Alkemy will sponsor a large sailcloth tent at LaBelle Winery for a month, which will allow The Bistro at LaBelle Winery to resume serving customers outdoors, in compliance with state COVID-19 safety regulations, helping them get back on their feet more quickly. In return, LaBelle is compiling a list of local businesses in need to share with employees, friends and business partners in the hope that those that are able to do so will help businesses that are struggling become stable again.
“America is the most generous country in the world, and given the challenges our country is facing, I felt it was necessary to help local businesses get back on their feet again. When small business wins, America wins,” Kaveney says. “My hope is that the innate kindness and generosity of the American people and our small business community will compel others to participate in One-to-One. We hope it will become a movement to help America come out of this stronger and more united.”
Examples of ways that businesses can participate in the One-to-One initiative include local businesses ordering lunch for their employees from a local restaurant or caterer, and companies donating supplies and/or services to other businesses in need.
To help spread the word, Kaveney is asking businesses that participate in One-to-One to share their experience on social media using the hash tag #OneToOneChallenge.
Amy LaBelle, co-owner and winemaker at LaBelle Winery, says, “We are excited to bring this challenge to the local business community and so grateful to be the first recipient in the One-to-One initiative. It feels great to know that local businesses that have maintained their revenue streams during this crisis are willing to help those that have suffered.”
For more information on the One-to-One program visit https://alkemypartners.com/one-to-one or www.labellewinery.com/one-to-one-challenge.
Mark Your Calendars: Taste For a Cure For Cystic Fibrosis, Rescheduled for Nov. 5th
MANCHESTER – Due to current social distancing recommendations, our 14th Taste For A Cure For Cystic Fibrosis, has been rescheduled to Nov 5th. The event will still take place at The Executive Court Banqueting Facility in Manchester! Our fabulous Restaurants and Food businesses will be serving their signature dishes and we will still have our amazing silent auction. We are so grateful to local Restaurants, businesses and friends for your continued support, we could not do this without you, and we ask you to support our Restaurants, sponsors and donors in these uncertain times. Taste For A Cure has raised over $1.2 million in 14 years, and during that time the quality of life and life expectancy for people living with CF has increased tremendously. Thank-you, and we look forward to seeing you on November 5th – tickets now on sale https://events.cff.org/tasteforacurenh
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