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Tax Rate

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      The Town of Amherst has released the property tax rate as calculated by the NH Department of Revenue Administration.  The rate will go from $26.96 to $28.48.  This increase of $1.52 will increase the tax bill on the average home in Amherst assessed at $353,000 by $536.  The town portion of the tax rate remained the same at $5.60.  The county remained the same at $1.20.  The state school tax went down from $2.24 to $2.15.  The increase occurred in the local school tax which went from $26.96 to $28.48.  An increase of $1.52.

      The selectmen and school boards are compiling their budgets for FY22 now and are expected to contain some major expenditures.  There will be hearings and  deliberatives in January and February to present spending plans to the taxpayer. To make your voice heard, attend by ZOOM town and school board meetings in order to raise your concerns and ask questions.


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