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Thank You from Amy Facey

To the editor:

      I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported me for re-election to the Souhegan Cooperative School Board.  I am so grateful to those who wrote letters, posted messages on social media, placed and held signs, and offered words of support and encouragement.  I am especially thankful for the support of our amazing high school students!  

      Thank you also to those who asked tough questions and offered suggestions for change and improvement.  I look forward to continuing those conversations. For those who supported other candidates, please know that I will always work hard to do what’s in the best interest of our students and community and welcome your feedback as we move forward.       I would like to commend Tony and Christine for running excellent campaigns and look forward to their continued engagement.  Congratulations to Stephanie and the other newly elected board members in SAU 39.  

      These challenging times require thoughtful leadership, diligence, and commitment to the health and safety of our school community, and I look forward to working to ensure that our schools provide the exceptional educational experience that all of our students deserve.


Thank you,

Amy Facey


Thank You for Isolating & Sheltering in Place

To the editor:

      Pandemics have a way of making life inconvenient, and are a game changer.  Applause, gratitude, and many thanks are in order for Superintendent Adam Steel,  principals, teachers, and others for quickly navigating our schools in a safe direction for delivery of education to our children.

      About a month ago, we were engaged in an election season, and the various concerns then seem so long ago and so less important.  The people spoke and decisions were made.  Congratulations to those who were elected!  We pray you all will govern with wisdom, dignity, and integrity.  To those who ran and did not prevail, thank you for having the desire and courage to step up and put yourselves out there.  Please remain engaged in our community as there are other opportunities to serve.

      To the many volunteers, some who fly under the radar, serving our community and getting things done, GOD knows who you are, and thank you.

      To everyone in our community, thank you all for isolating and sheltering in place. Thank you for checking on your neighbors and the vulnerable members of our community. As we have needs, especially to be fed, please remember our local small businesses, especially those in (603).

There is much uncertainty before us, but we will get through this with common sense, courage, determination, and help from above.  We will appreciate the simple things even more.  Using technology, we will realize more efficient ways to work, study, and live.  Please be safe and healthy.  GOD Bless us all.



Dwayne Purvis


Important update from NHAC on COVID-19

Dear New Hampshire Antique Co-op Customers,

      We are reaching out to you today as we all navigate through this unsettling time. First and foremost, we hope that you all are healthy and staying safe from COVID-19. These certainly are extraordinary times. We have been extremely busy behind the scenes here at New Hampshire Antique Co-op for the past few weeks preparing for virtual antiquing and expanding our online inventory in anticipation of New Hampshire’s statewide order for the closure of all non-essential businesses, now through May 4.

      During this time, NHAC is offering curbside pick up, delivery, shipping and free storage. Please shop us online and/or call us at 603-673-8499. We offer virtual antiquing via our website, Rubylane, 1stdibs, Craigslist, Etsy and Facebook, as well as personal shopping via text, email and video chat. Fresh items will be posted daily to our social media sites on Facebook and Instagram. In addition, you can let us know if you are looking for anything specific and we will do our best to locate it either from within our shop or from our network of dealers and consignors. 

If you have any questions about the value of your antiques or fine art, please email photos of your items to for a free evaluation. We are always available to give you an overview of your items to ensure that you aren’t overlooking a treasure that you might not realize you have.  

      Although these are difficult times, we will get through this if everyone follows the guidelines of social distancing for the benefit of society as a whole. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones, and check on friends and neighbors who may be more isolated than you are. We’re all in this together. 

      Thank you for your understanding and patronage. Stay safe and healthy!


The Hackler family

and all of the staff

at New Hampshire Antique Co-op

Amherst School Board Update

To the editor:

      We would like to begin this letter by thanking our voters for approving both the Amherst School District budget and warrant article on March 10th. Your support allows us to move forward with our goals. We are excited to get started and will provide updates as the projects take shape.

      As a Board, we want to express our appreciation to John Glover for his dedication to the Amherst School District during his tenure as a school board member. John is a passionate member of our community and we are hopeful he will continue to be engaged in the district. We will miss his diligent note taking during meetings and his passion for balance.

      We welcome Josh Conklin as the newest member of our board and look forward to Josh’s involvement. We are also excited to welcome back Terri Behm’s energy, commitment, and enthusiasm for another term. 

It’s remarkable how much has changed since we visited the polls on Tuesday, March 10th. Our district, our community and the world has transformed. We hope that at the reading of this letter, you and your family continue to be healthy and safe as we all adjust to this new reality.

      Virtual Learning: As you are aware, learning is no longer happening inside our buildings, as all buildings have been closed and learning have been moved to an online format.  This change has been a big shift for our staff, students, and families.  We continue to be amazed at reports of how well the process is going.  The Board would like to thank the teachers for completely reworking their teaching styles to allow our students to continue to learn through this disruption to our school year.  We also want to applaud our students who have taken to learning virtually with excitement and amazing flexibility. Lastly, a thank you to the parents who have suddenly had to become assistant teachers to their kids while balancing the demands of life and full-time jobs.  You have all done a phenomenal job.  Patience will be important in the weeks ahead as there will be frustrations and celebrations, and your school board members, teachers and administrators are here to support you as needed.

      Next Meeting: In an effort to have all districts work more closely together, the April meetings will look a little different.  Any topic that pertains to more than one district will be discussed at the SAU meeting.  The individual board meetings will address topics that only pertain to their specific district.  The next meeting for the Amherst School Board (ASB) is scheduled for April 13 at 6 p.m. immediately followed by the SAU meeting at 7:30 p.m.  In our April meeting the ASB will be taking one last look at the plumbing project at AMS.  We will review what was completed as part of the project, test results from after the project, and see if there is any further work that should be completed. All funds that were appropriated for this warrant article that have not been spent as of June 30 will be returned to taxpayers.   

      Emergency Meetings:  We want to take some time to explain how board meetings will be happening for the foreseeable future.  Due to current situations with social distancing and the current stay-at-home order imposed by the governor, all boards, committees, and groups that are governed by RSA 91A (the Right to Know Law) are to hold all meetings as “emergency meetings”. Emergency meetings allow for less than quorum to be physically present at the meeting location and for board members to attend the meeting electronically.  This week the governor took it one step further with emergency order No. 12.  This order temporarily suspended the clause in RSA 91A that requires a physical meeting location as long as the Board meets the following conditions:


  1. Provides public access to the meeting by telephone, with additional access possibilities by video or other electronic means;

  2. Provides public notice of the necessary information for accessing the meeting;

  3. Provides a mechanism for the public to alert the public body during the meeting if there are problems with access; and

  4. Adjourns the meeting if the public is unable to access the meeting.


      We are still working through the technical details in order to comply with this order , and will share as part of the ASB agenda, which is posted on the SAU 39 webpage,, 5-7 days before any meeting.  

As always, please contact the Board with any questions or comments you may have at  If you have a hard time accessing the agenda once it is posted please email us and we would be happy to email you a copy. 


Thank you

Elizabeth Kuzsma, Chair

Terri Behm, Vice Chair

Josh Conklin

Tom Gauthier

Ellen Grudzien


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