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AMS Ornaments Selected to Decorate NH Tree

Click on ornament gallery above to see what AMS students submitted for the NH tree

      WASHINGTON, DC – This fall, Amherst Middle School was notified that we had been selected to create the ornaments for the New Hampshire tree as part of the National Christmas Tree “America Celebrates” Ornament Program in Washington DC. The program is a collaboration of the National Park Service, the US Department of Education and the National Park Foundation. AMS was the only school in NH that was given this honor. Our tree is one of over 50 surrounding the National Tree in President’s Park just south of the White House. The theme for this year’s ornaments was “What Makes Your State Beautiful?”  

      When asked about her students’ experiences creating these ornaments, Mrs. Pettus said, “New Hampshire is such a beautiful state with so many natural resources. The students enjoyed learning more about our state while being challenged with creating an eye-catching design using a non-traditional art technique. The faux stained glass technique was fun and accessible for all students and many said it was their favorite project in their portfolios. Amherst Middle School students feel honored to be chosen to represent the students of New Hampshire in this inspiring national display.” 

      The timing was tight (we had about a week), and AMS students happily got working! In total six classes were able to create ornaments for consideration. Mrs. Brandie Pettus’ grade 7 and 8 students and Ms. Diana Plank’s 6th grade students created over 75 ornaments in a faux stained glass technique using cut paper and tissue paper. 

      All student artists from each of the 50 states, whose work was selected, were invited to a live presentation and tree lighting ceremony in Washington DC on November 30. August Moore, Grade 8 was able to attend the event and even got a White House tour from First Lady, Melania Trump. 


AMS 8th grader, August Moore, went to Washington, DC and attended a White House tour from First Lady, Melania Trump

      The National Tree Lighting Ceremony can be viewed online at: 

      This was a very special honor and AMS is very proud of all of their student artists and the beautiful ornaments they were able to create representing our state.  What a wonderful way to kick-off the Holiday Season!

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