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Support for Danielle Pray

To the editor:

      Our delayed town election is coming up June 8. It is late this year, but no less important. Do not pass up this opportunity to cast a vote for Danielle Pray for Board of Selectmen. Danielle is all about service to the community and doing what is best for Amherst families. She has already donated countless hours of her time to improve our town – Zoning Board, Town Ways and Means, Capital Improvement Plan Committee, as well as serving as President of the Amherst Lions Club, an organization dedicated to community service. She knows the issues affecting our town and I mean in detail. Thanks to Danielle I know more about planning and zoning rules and regulations than I ever did before. She is an excellent communicator and collaborator and a strong proponent of open and transparent government. These are all the qualities that we need on our Board of Selectmen. Please join me in casting a vote for Danielle Pray on June 8. 


Mark Vincent


Danielle Pray for Selectman

To the editor:

      I fully support Danielle in her candidacy for Board of Selectman. She has proven over the last years that she cares about Amherst and has given countless hours of service in town. She is a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustments and of Amherst Ways and Means and serves as Chair of the CIP committee. She is hardworking, knows Amherst, understands budgets and RSAs, and is wonderful at community outreach, which she has done by informing citizens of town meetings and events and keeping everyone up to date on many issues. I believe Danielle can offer creativity and fresh ideas, and we would be lucky to have her as a Selectman in Amherst.


Lisa Montesanto


Support Danielle Pray with Your Vote

To the editor:

      I wanted to encourage my fellow neighbors in Amherst to vote .I would also like to ask you support Danielle Pray with your vote for Amherst selectman.I have known Danielle for several years. She is a mom, an involved,active member of local civic groups and a person who cares about Amherst and its future. She has served in a number of local commities and groups. She has the smarts, leadership skills and integrity to bring to our town’s challenges going forward.Please support her with your vote.


Bill Loscocco


Please Vote Danielle Pray for Selectman

To the editor:

      I hope you will join me and many others who will be voting for Danielle Pray for a Selectmen seat on June 8th.  Danielle has a unique mix of dedication to the town, interest in how it works and a steady desire to put 100% into her efforts.

      Danielle has been an incredible public servant on both the Zoning Board of Adjustment and on Ways and Means for some time now.  In addition to those duties, she somehow finds time to attend many other meetings to include Selectmen, Planning Board and others.   Faithfully attending any one of these meetings on a regular basis is a big commitment.  Attending many of these meetings on a regular basis is a huge task!  Danielle does this.

      The Selectmen play the biggest role in town of any board in setting how much each of us pays in property taxes.  Danielle’s experience on Ways and Means convinces me that she will be careful and thoughtful in this regard if elected.  Now is not the time to elect a candidate that does not have any town budgeting experience.  Fortunately, Danielle Pray has that experience.

      Danielle knows a lot about how this town works.  She is ideally and uniquely qualified to serve on the Board of Selectmen.  Hopefully, you will agree with me that her track record of involvement in town affairs, her years of experience and her thoughtful consideration of issues makes her an excellent candidate for Selectmen.


Tom Quinn


Danielle Pray Will Be an Asset to the Amherst Select Board

To the editor:

      Her experience on Amherst boards- Zoning Board of Adjustment (2018 to the present; current Vice Chair), Amherst Ways and Means Committee (since 2019) and the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee (since 2014; most recently as Chair) coupled with the dozens and dozens of hours she’s spent attending Selectmen and Planning Board meetings gives her the experience she needs to hit the ground running. She’d be the only lawyer on the board, allowing for clear and direct collaboration with town counsel when necessary. Amherst needs her and John D’Angelo to be elected to the 2 open seats.                 With all due respect to the young, new-to-town candidate, Amherst needs experience in this position. Additionally; it would be nice to add a woman to the all-male board. Regardless, she’s clearly being the best candidate. Please join me in voting for Danielle. 



Jim Hendrix


JUNE 2021

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