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Attention Amherst Residents/Voters


      New Hampshire law requires that the Supervisors of the Checklist verify the checklist every ten years. Any person on the checklist who has not voted in the past four years must re-register to remain on the checklist. The Supervisors are sending notice letters to these voters at the address the voter provided when registering. 

      The Supervisors of the Checklist for the Town of Amherst will hold a session for re-registering voters who have not voted since April 1, 2017, accepting applications for new voter registration, accepting requests for the correction of the checklist, and or change of political party affiliation on: 

Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 

Time: 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

Location: Amherst Town Hall Clerks Office

Voters may check party affiliation on-line:

      Applicants for registration who possess proof of identity, age, citizenship, and domicile should bring that proof when they come to register. Qualified applicants who do not possess proof or who do not bring proof with them may still register if they sign an affidavit attesting to their qualifications for identity, age, and citizenship, and / or domicile. 

Voters/Applicants may also register during normal Clerk office hours.


For RSA information:


JULY 2021

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