Abstract Paintings & Tribal Masks Exhibition At New Hampshire Antique Co-Op
Now on view through May 31, 2020
Congregational Church Stays Connected
During the suspension of in-person activities in light of the Covid-19 situation, the Congregational Church of Amherst, UCC has a variety of ways for members and others to connect with church programs. This is especially important during April as Holy Week and Easter are on the horizon.
The most up-to-date information about church activities can be found on the church’s website (ccamherst.org) or by calling the church office at 673-3231. Sunday services are broadcast on FacebookLive and recorded for later on-line viewing. Services are followed by a Virtual Fellowship Hour. Links for these and other events can be found on the website.
The church’s Facebook page is another source of information, including updates and video messages from the pastors. Pastors Maureen Frescott and Kate Kennedy are available to provide pastoral care during this time, and the church welcomes community members to connect with this loving, serving, open and affirming community of faith.
APRIL 2020
Mont Vernon
Mont Vernon Takes Action Against Covid-19
Due to COVID-19 the Town of Mont Vernon will be taking appropriate and aggressive action to reduce the transmission of COV-19 in our community. These difficult decisions are based on recommendations from the CDC, DHHS, and Emergency Management. As part of this proactive effort all town buildings are closed to the public. A breakdown of temporary suspension of town services as well as current offerings are listed below by department.
Mont Vernon Daland Memorial Library
The library building is closed until further notice.
• PLEASE DO NOT RETURN BOOKS TO THE OUTSIDE DROP BOX. We have extended all due dates, ended the charging of overdue fees, and have frozen all reserves.
• All library events, programs, and meetings scheduled to take place in the library are canceled until further notice.
• Online Services NH Overdrive is open for eBook and audio book borrowing. Visit https://nh.overdrive.com to start borrowing from home.
• Because the situation is ever changing, they will continue to communicate with updates on our website www.dalandlibrary.com and on Facebook and Instagram. Please direct any questions to our email at dalandlibrary@comcast.net.
Mont Vernon Fire Department
• There will be no change to Emergency and Non-Emergency Service Calls
• Will not being doing any inspections requiring face to face interaction.
• Kevin Pomeroy not be issuing any seasonal permits until further notice but contact him with your renewal request as he is making a contact list for future permits by phone at 603-673-1823 or e-mail at seasonalpermits@montvernonnh.us. All seasonal permits from 2019 will remain valid until May 4th.
• Citizens can obtain burn permits by utilizing the on-line system at https://nhdflweb.sovsportsnet.net.
• For non-emergency concerns, questions, or assistance, please call the Police Department Business Line at 603-673-5610 as the Police Office or Dispatcher will contact us to call you back.
Mont Vernon Health Officer
• The Health Officer is available to all townspeople and organizations for advice on health and safety matters such as guidelines for preventing disease transmission, common symptoms, disinfection methods, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and facility operations.
• Contact your Primary Care Provider if you are ill
• Questions about COVID-19 please call 211
• Contact the Mont Vernon Health Officer at mvhealthofficer@gmail.com or 320-8656.
Mont Vernon Police Department
• Will continue to respond to emergency calls for service
• It is requested that you call rather than coming to the police station lobby when possible in order to minimize exposure. The lobby is locked so call the business line at 673•-5610 or utilize the call box located outside the station.
• Officers will be handling all non•-emergency calls by phone.
• Fingerprinting and VIN verification services will be suspended until further notice.
• Dial 911 in case of emergency
• Police business line: 603-673-5610
Mont Vernon Recreation
• All Town sponsored events are canceled until further notice.
• Ideas and plans for alternative activities during social distancing are in the works.
Please “Like” and Subscribe to the Mont Vernon Recreation Facebook page to keep informed at https://www.facebook.com/Mont-Vernon-Recreation-1526892337614361/
• Feel free to email MontVernonRecreation@gmail.com for more information
Mont Vernon Selectmen’s Office/ Town Hall Building
• The building is locked and closed until further notice.
• All business will be done via phone or by making an appointment.
• Please call 603-673-6080 or through e-mail at townofmontvernon@comcast.net
• For Building Inspector appointment call 603-654-2176.
• For Tax Collector appointment call 603-673-6083.
Mont Vernon Transfer Station
• Transfer station will be open its regular hours.
• All trash and recycling will be placed in the compactor.
• You can still deposit brush.
• Please exercise social distancing!
Mont Vernon Town Clerk
• The building is locked and closed until further notice.
• All business will be done via phone or by making an appointment.
• All renewals, dog registrations, and vitals can be completed on• line.
• New vehicle registration will be done by appointment.
• Please call 603-673-9126
Mont Vernon Welfare Department
• The office is locked and closed until further notice.
• All business will be done by phone or by making an appointment with the Welfare Officer.
• Please call 603-673-6080.
Charitable Donations and if assistance is needed
• Neighbor 2 Neighbor Mont Vernon assists needy townspeople with basic necessities. We are also working with the General Store to coordinate delivery of pre-prepared meals to seniors. Contact n2n.montvernon@gmail.com or 320-8656.
• SHARE is a community organization that has served families in need for 40 years. SHARE is a central point of assistance supported by a loving, giving community that believes everyone deserves a helping hand when in need. https://www.sharenh.org/ or 603-673-9898.
Mont Vernon Town News
Update on Town Hall Restoration
From the select board: After a months long process the Board of Selectmen have chosen DEW/Macmillin Construction from Keene and Catlin+Petrovick Architects to work with us on the restoration and renovation of our historic Town Hall. DEW and Michael Petrovick recently completed a very successful restoration of the Town Hall in Francestown.
This is just one facet of a years-long process involving the work of many volunteers on several committees to study and create plans for the town’s historic buildings including the Daland Memorial Library, the McCollom Building and the Town Hall.
Of all our historic buildings the Town Hall is the oldest, in the worst condition, and has received the least maintenance. The McCollom Building has received almost $500,000 worth of work in the last few years including $80,000 worth of windows this year which completes restoration of the building envelope. The exterior of the Daland Memorial Library was repaired and re-painted last year at no cost to the town, courtesy of the Sophia Daland Trust. We are very grateful.
Design work for the new Town Hall interior layout and updated mechanical systems is ongoing. Mike Petrovick has had numerous meetings with the Board of Selectmen and the Town Office Staff to come up with a plan that meets the current and future needs of the town government and still retains the historic nature of our Town Hall.
We are well aware of the many needs facing our small town and the impact any project has on our taxes. Currently we are seeing historically low interest rates on municipal bonds as well as relatively low inflation. Now is a good time to borrow money. Our Town Hall, built in 1792, is the seat of town government and something we should all be proud of. Let’s make it so.

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