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Kudos to Students, Parents, Teachers & Administrators!

To the editor:

      We did it!  We, as a community, have made it through the current virtual learning portion of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Amherst School Board would like to extend another round of kudos to the students, parents, teachers, and school administration for coming together to implement a learn-at-home system at practically a moment’s notice.  

      The past few months were not easy for anyone, for students adapting to a new learning environment without friends and face-to-face contact; for parents balancing a student’s learning with a full-time job; for teachers, many of whom are parents, putting together comprehensive lesson plans that could be conveyed without the usual personal touch; and for the administration, which began planning for this potential scenario in January when ‘COVID-19’ and ‘coronavirus’ were a continent away.

      Now the focus shifts to the 2020-21 academic school year, which features a variety of unknowns at this point.  Our administration is developing plans for all possible scenarios while state officials attack the issue from their end.  It’s likely a fully-fledged decision won’t be made immediately so we will do our best to keep you informed as the summer progresses.

      With the end of the school fiscal year coming at the end of the month, the board spent a good majority of its May meeting looking at our unreserved fund balance.  This is an allotment of money that was not spent during the 2019-20 school year.  Through proper planning and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly $1.5 million was left in the ASD’s coffers.  At least $700,000 of that will be returned to taxpayers.  Another portion of it will be put to projects that the schools need, focusing on health and safety, building infrastructure, and non-emergency necessities.  The following is a list of approved projects and additional items on which we are awaiting more information (costs are estimates). We will be reviewing the unreserved fund balance again at our June meeting and will have a more accurate total that will be returned to taxpayers in our next letter.



  • Air duct cleaning in Clark, Wilkins and AMS - $22,000 total

  • Four new cafeteria tables at Wilkins - $8,000

  • New snowblower at Wilkins - $2,500


Awaiting further information

  • Roofing work at Clark, AMS

  • Replacing main breaker switches at all three schools

  • Dividing walls at AMS

  • Hot water system flushing and servicing at all three schools

  • School lockers at AMS


Next Meeting

      Our next meeting is Thursday, June 4 at 6 p.m., and we will be making final decisions on utilizing the unreserved fund balance in a manner that maximizes the long-term value of the investment while fixing immediate needs.  We will also be discussing our board goals for FY21 and doing a first read on a new volunteer policy for Clark-Wilkins and AMS. 

      If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us at


Thank you

Elizabeth Kuzsma, Chair

Tom Gauthier, Vice Chair

Ellen Grudzien, Secretary

Terri Behm

Josh Conklin

June Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Event Cancelled

To the editor:

      After careful consideration, the Nashua Region Solid Waste Management District in conjunction with Nashua Regional Planning Commission, has cancelled the June 4, 2020, HHW collection in Nashua. 

      This decision has not been made lightly and we appreciate the public bearing with us as the COVID-19 Outbreak unfolds. We ask that the residents of our district still properly dispose of their hazardous waste at our August 1, 2020, HHW collection at the Nashua Public Works Garage, located at 9 Stadium Drive. 

      For additional questions regarding the Household Hazardous Waste Program, visit or call 603-417-6570. Like and follow NashuaRPC on Facebook and Twitter for more updates.


Thank you, 

Nashua Regional Planning Commission

Cancellation of July 4th Festivities

To the editor:

      The chairs of the July 4th Committee, with the unanimous support of the Amherst Board of Selectmen, the Police Chief, the Fire Rescue Chief, and Town Health Officer, made the difficult decision to cancel this summer’s festivities. This is in keeping with the current statewide ban on gatherings of more than 10 people. Prior to our decision, a member of the Governor’s Task Force was contacted and confirmed that the ban on large gatherings remains in place. A prediction of when the ban will be lifted is not available. Other nearby communities including Portsmouth, Dover, Haverhill, Andover, and Boston, have come to the sad conclusion that fireworks and the accompanying large crowds will not be possible this summer. We wanted to share the information as quickly as possible to ensure that everyone has ample time to plan. We made this decision thoughtfully, with heavy hearts, and for the the safety of our town and citizens. 



Kim Ayers,

Leslie Bennett,

Jennifer Eccleston

and Gretchen Pyles

July 4th Committee Chairs

June Update from the Joint Facilities Advisory Committee

To the editor:

      The Joint Facilities Advisory Committee remains committed to keeping you informed of our progress.  We continue to meet regularly, via video conference, as we work to develop recommendations for a long-term public-school facilities plan for the Amherst School District and Souhegan Cooperative School District. 

      Included in our regular meetings are representatives from the firm, Lavallee Brensinger Architects, who the SAU has engaged to conduct a study of the buildings in the Amherst School District, a similar study has already been completed in the Souhegan Cooperative School District.  We continue to discuss the most pressing needs in our schools and share critical information which will assist them in their review. 

In our most recent meeting, Lavallee Brensinger shared feedback from their initial Amherst School District staff survey.  They also led the committee through an in-depth review of the Souhegan 2.0 Conceptual Design Analysis, which was completed by their firm in May 2019. Of note in the plan - upgraded science labs, HVAC, and small group breakout spaces. 

      Once Lavallee Brensinger completes their review of the Amherst School District facilities (Clark-Wilkins Elementary and Amherst Middle School), the committee will begin the important work of prioritizing recommendations into a cohesive plan to present to the Amherst and Souhegan Cooperative school boards, targeted for September/October 2020.

      As the committee works to develop our recommendations it is important that we balance the needs of students and educators with the expectations and desires of the community.  A survey will be released in the coming weeks seeking your input.  Please look for it in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to the Amherst Citizen for updates.  Updates can also be found on the SAU 39 website under the committee tab located at www.sau and on the JFAC Facebook page,


Chair-Amy Facey, SCSB Amherst Rep.

Vice Chair-Shannon Gascoyne, Community Member

John Bowkett, Community Member

Brian Coogan, Community Member

Michele Croteau, Business Administrator

John D’Angelo, BOS

Tom Gauthier, ASB

Christine Grayson, Community Member

Pim Grondstra, SCSB Mont Vernon Rep.

Ellen Grudzien, ASB

Stephanie Grund, SCSB Amherst Rep.

Shannon Hargreaves, Souhegan High School Student

Jeanne Ludt, Community Member

Victoria Parisi, Community Member

Adam Steel, Superintendent


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