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Civic Groups

Amherst Garden Club Welcomes Jean Stefanik 

      On Thursday, January 6, 2022, the Amherst Garden Club will welcome orchid whisperer Jean Stefanik to share her tips for growing orchids. 

      Jean is an accredited AOS (American Orchid Society) judge whose primary passion is for species orchids, and the habitats to which have adapted throughout the world. She has taken several trips to Costa Rica, Ecuador, New Zealand, and Australia, all touring for orchids.  Conservation of orchids means conservation of native habitats, a theme which permeates her talks.

      We'll enjoy a 20-minute slideshow

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Jean Stefanik

about orchids, both cultivated and native species, followed by a hands-on cultural demonstration that covers re-potting. 

      This presentation will allow plenty of time for Q & A, as well as Show & Tell! Have you got a favorite orchid to show off? Or maybe a poorly performing specimen? Bring your orchid to the meeting to share with the group. 

      If your orchid needs some TLC, this is your chance to get expert analysis and advice on how to improve its performance. Be sure to protect your orchid from the cold during transport! 

      The January 6 meeting will be only on Zoom. The meeting will not be livestreamed to The Amherst Garden Club Facebook page. Garden club members will receive the Zoom link.

      If you are not a member but would like to attend, send email to and we’ll send you the Zoom link.

( for the public. Our business meeting begins at 9:15 M, and the program begins at 10:30 AM. Check our web site for updates.

Amherst Garden Club

Permaculture Landscape Course

The Amherst Garden Club is offering a Permaculture Landscape Design Class starting in January. Sign up now as there is only one spot left, but there will be a waiting list. Deadline for registration was December 15th.

Amherst Garden Club’s Garden Tips for January 2022

To celebrate the Amherst Garden’s Club’s 51st year and to support the club’s mission to provide education, a few gardening tips are shared each month from the “Amherst Garden Club’s Regional Gardening Throughout the Year Calendar.” Copies are available at Amherst Garden Center, 305 Route 101, Amherst.


It’s January! Now is the time…​​

  • to make a plan to rotate vegetable crops when designing next year’s garden.

  • to read garden books for inspiration.

  • to order, collect, and read seed and plant catalogs. Consider splitting a seed order with a friend.


Southern NH Branch of AAUW 

Lisa Maatz - Women's Health Equity Advocate

      Lisa Maatz, former AAUW Director of Public Policy and Government Relations, will share insights on women's health from a policy perspective. She represented AAUW and women’s equity issues on Capitol Hill for 15 years from 2002-2017. She is a strong advocate with a reputation for her strategic and creative approach to government relations.

      Lisa is currently with Ohio Citizen Action, a nonprofit organization that mobilizes people to engage in actions that protect public health, improve environmental quality, and benefit consumers.

      Lisa is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Ohio University, has two master's degrees from Ohio State University, and held an adjunct appointment with the Women and Politics Institute at American University. She is a long time member of AAUW. 

      AAUW’s mission is to advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy with a vision of equity for all. In working toward these goals, the Southern New Hampshire Branch provides scholarships for young women who are pursuing college degrees with the intent to follow STEM careers after graduation. The 2021 recipients were two young women who graduated in June from Souhegan High School. In addition, the branch hosts the Annual Candidates Night in late February/early March giving voters in Amherst a chance to hear the positions of candidates running for town and school offices. The branch does not endorse any particular candidate or party. It also hosts a book discussion group and plans social gatherings. The January 26, 2022 program will be followed by the third and last program in April and will continue the focus on women's health. Date to be announced. 

      The organization whose roots date back to the 1880s has two branches in NH. The Southern New Hampshire Branch was established in the 1970s. Current members live in the following communities: Amherst,

Dover, Exeter, Hanover, Hollis, Manchester, Merrimack, Milford, Mont Vernon, Nashua, Wilton, and Wolfeboro. 

      For more information about AAUW contact Membership Chair Ingrid Michaelis at 603-494-6671 or For a membership application e-mail: A graduate holding an associate degree, an RN, a baccalaureate, or a higher degree from a regionally accredited institution is eligible and welcome.

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