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Abstract Paintings & Tribal Masks Exhibition At New Hampshire Antique Co-Op
Now on view through May 31, 2020
Congregational Church Stays Connected
During the suspension of in-person activities in light of the Covid-19 situation, the Congregational Church of Amherst, UCC has a variety of ways for members and others to connect with church programs. This is especially important during April as Holy Week and Easter are on the horizon.
The most up-to-date information about church activities can be found on the church’s website (ccamherst.org) or by calling the church office at 673-3231. Sunday services are broadcast on FacebookLive and recorded for later on-line viewing. Services are followed by a Virtual Fellowship Hour. Links for these and other events can be found on the website.
The church’s Facebook page is another source of information, including updates and video messages from the pastors. Pastors Maureen Frescott and Kate Kennedy are available to provide pastoral care during this time, and the church welcomes community members to connect with this loving, serving, open and affirming community of faith.
Lorraine Alice Hamilton
AMHERST – Lorraine Alice Hamilton of Amherst, New Hampshire, Beach Haven, New Jersey and Rancho Mirage, California died June 14, 2020 from pancreatic cancer at her home in California. She was 73 years old and a participant in the trial of a new cancer drug at NYU Langone in New York City since April 2019. She hoped that results from the trial would improve care for other patients who develop this cancer. She was with her family when she died and was
Donald Richard Haaker
Donald Richard Haaker, 80, born June 2, 1940, son of Carl E Haaker and Jeanne LaRochelle Haaker of Fitchburg, MA, son, brother, father, grandfather, and great grandfather, peacefully passed away on Sunday, June 7, 2020 at Saint Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford, MA.
Don, as he was affectionately referred to by friends, and Dad or Grandpa by family, was a proud veteran, avid fisherman, former business owner, collector of “As Seen On TV” gadgets, and
Mont Vernon
Mont Vernon Heritage Commission Celebrates $25,000 Grant Award
LCHIP awards $4.7 million to Support Natural and Historic Resource Projects Statewide
The Board of Directors of the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) is delighted to announce the awarding of over $4.7 million in matching grants for forty projects supporting both historic preservation and land conservation. Projects are well distributed among the state’s ten counties, including the Mont Vernon Town Hall. Governor Chris Sununu has this message for the grant recipients: "Congratulations to all of this year's LCHIP grant award recipients," said Governor Chris Sununu. "These grants help preserve and define the character of our local communities. It's what New Hampshire is all about."
The Mont Vernon Heritage Commission, a Town appointed Commission of volunteers dedicated to preserving the history and heritage of Mont Vernon, has received a $25,000 grant award to support the restoration of the Town Hall’s failing windows and sashes and the purchase of historically accurate storm windows.
“We are very happy to be one of this year's recipients of the LCHIP grant program.” said Rebecca Schwarz, the Mont Vernon Heritage Commission Chair. “LCHIP’s contribution to the Town Hall Window Restoration project will help us continue to preserve our 240 year old Town Hall building by further protecting it from the elements.”
Built in 1781 using timbers donated by early settlers, the Town Hall has been the heart of Mont Vernon since the beginning. It was put to use before the floor was laid, with only the frame covered. Construction was completed in 1792. In 1837, the building was moved to its current location at 1 South Main St and raised to include a new first floor, the rear of which was designated for Town Meetings. A lengthy project is planned for the restoration and renovation of the building, beginning with the replacement of the roof in 2020. The window project is the second in a ten year plan to fully restore the building and bring it up to code for future use.
LCHIP funds will support projects in all ten of the state’s counties. The natural resource projects awarded funding in this grant round include land to help meet the increased interest in outdoor recreation activities, farmland to supply local food for local people, land with scenic and environmental values and working forests to sustainably transform a highly visible part of the landscape into products needed by the people of the state. The historic resource grants include projects as straightforward as new roofing to as complex as near-total rehabilitation of elaborate buildings. Coincidentally, the oldest and newest buildings receiving grants are both town halls: Salem (1738), now historical society headquarters and
Wilmot (1906) suffering from flood-induced water damage.
LCHIP grant recipients are required to raise a minimum of one dollar for each dollar provided by LCHIP. This year’s awards of $4.7 million will be matched by $19 million that the project proponents will raise from other public and private sources, infusing a total of twenty-three million dollars into the state’s economy in direct project activity.
About the Mont Vernon Heritage Commission
The Heritage Commission is a fledgling commission, appointed by the Board of Selectmen and started meeting in 2019. In three short years the Town Hall was designated "Seven to Save" status by the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance in 2020, began community fundraising initiatives raising nearly $4000 in 2021, and is now a proud recipient of the 2021 LCHIP grant program. The Commission’s main project is currently restoration of the Town Hall, it’s mission is to preserve the history and heritage of Mont Vernon and all of its historic homes and structures.
For more information about the Mont Vernon Heritage Commission visit montvernonnh.us/heritagecommission or visit Mont Vernon Heritage Commission.
Daland Memorial Library
Updated Library Mask Policy
Due to the recent increase in COVID cases in NH, the Library Trustees have re-implemented the mask requirement in the library. All adults and children over 2 years old are required to wear a mask in the library until further notice. Masks available at the front door. Thank you.
Drop in Digital Service Night
Have you tried to use Hoopla or Libby for borrowing digital materials with your library card? Join us at the library with your device on Thursday, January 27th at 6:30pm and we can help you get started. All you need is your library card number and a few tips and tricks to begin borrowing materials from home for FREE! Registration recommended. Call 673-7888 to sign up.
Join an Adult Book Club!
The Daland Memorial Library offers three Adult Book Clubs. There is no attendance requirement for any group – attend meetings that are of interest. Books are available to borrow at the library. New members always welcome! Simply stop in to pick up a copy of the latest title to join. If you have any questions about book clubs, please call the library at 673-7888.
Morning Book Discussion Group – Meets the 1st Monday each month at 10:00AM . The group reads a mix of contemporary fiction and non-fiction titles. Group will meet by Zoom.
Monday, Jan. 3rd: 2022 Planning Meeting
Just the Classics Book Club – Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the library . This book group is focused on reading classic titles selected by group members.
Thursday, Jan. 20th: “Animal Farm” George Orwell
Black Books Matter – Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM by Zoom . This is a newly formed book club that focuses on books by black authors and race relations.
Thursday, Jan. 13th: “The Color of Law” by Richard Rothstein
Join the Friends of the Daland Memorial Library
Happy New Year! Join the Friends of the Library in 2022 and help support the library. Membership starts for as little as $15 a year. Did you know the Friends support Adult and Children's programs including Junior Book Clubs, Coffee & Books, Halloween Treats, Welcome Baby Books, library garden maintenance and more? For member information visit https://dalandlibrary.com/friends-of-the-daland-memorial-library/.