Abstract Paintings & Tribal Masks Exhibition At New Hampshire Antique Co-Op
Now on view through May 31, 2020
Congregational Church Stays Connected
During the suspension of in-person activities in light of the Covid-19 situation, the Congregational Church of Amherst, UCC has a variety of ways for members and others to connect with church programs. This is especially important during April as Holy Week and Easter are on the horizon.
The most up-to-date information about church activities can be found on the church’s website (ccamherst.org) or by calling the church office at 673-3231. Sunday services are broadcast on FacebookLive and recorded for later on-line viewing. Services are followed by a Virtual Fellowship Hour. Links for these and other events can be found on the website.
The church’s Facebook page is another source of information, including updates and video messages from the pastors. Pastors Maureen Frescott and Kate Kennedy are available to provide pastoral care during this time, and the church welcomes community members to connect with this loving, serving, open and affirming community of faith.

Lorraine Alice Hamilton
AMHERST – Lorraine Alice Hamilton of Amherst, New Hampshire, Beach Haven, New Jersey and Rancho Mirage, California died June 14, 2020 from pancreatic cancer at her home in California. She was 73 years old and a participant in the trial of a new cancer drug at NYU Langone in New York City since April 2019. She hoped that results from the trial would improve care for other patients who develop this cancer. She was with her family when she died and was

Donald Richard Haaker
Donald Richard Haaker, 80, born June 2, 1940, son of Carl E Haaker and Jeanne LaRochelle Haaker of Fitchburg, MA, son, brother, father, grandfather, and great grandfather, peacefully passed away on Sunday, June 7, 2020 at Saint Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford, MA.
Don, as he was affectionately referred to by friends, and Dad or Grandpa by family, was a proud veteran, avid fisherman, former business owner, collector of “As Seen On TV” gadgets, and
AAUW Southern NH Branch News
First Program in Civic Engagement Series – Part 2
Amherst Garden Club Presents: Holiday Pies: Sweet & Savory
October 21, 7pm via ZOOM
Featuring Guest Speaker Dr. Monica Galizzi “The Gendered Workforce”
Dr. Monica Galizzi Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Economics and a Senior Associate of the Center for Women and Work at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
Dr. Monica Galizzi
The Southern NH Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will host Professor Monica Galizzi, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Economics and a Senior Associate of the Center for Women and Work at the University of Massachusetts Lowell on Wednesday, October 21 at 7 pm. Dr. Galizzi will present the program “The Gendered Workforce” via Zoom. Dr. Galizzi comments, “During the last 30 years, the gender wage gap has experienced a dramatic decline, but US women still earn only around 82 cents for every $1 earned by men. While it is easy to react with disdain to this number, it is much more complex to identify the forces that are behind the difference between men and women’s pay. This conversation will explore different explanations that scholars have offered to understand the gender wage gap and discuss some of the policies that are often suggested as potential solutions.”
Dr. Galizzi was born and raised in Piacenza, Italy. After earning an Italian Doctorate in Research in Economic Policy she was admitted to Boston University in 1987 and successfully completed a Ph.D in Economics. Now in addition to her administrative responsibilities at the University of Massachusetts Lowell she teaches classes in Principles of Micro and Macro Economics, Labor Economics, and Health Economics. She has also written extensively on issues related to women and work receiving awards and recognition for her work. NOTE: Dr. Galizzi was originally scheduled to speak in March but the program was cancelled because of the pandemic.
Two more programs in the series are being planned for 2021. Diversity and pay equity will be the topics.
If interested in attending “The Gendered Workforce” program via Zoom, please contact Program Co-chair Johanna Tigert at johanna_tigert@uml.edu for the zoom link information.
AAUW’s mission is to advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. It is a non-partisan non-political organization that never endorses candidates or specific parties. The organization whose roots date back to the 1880s has two branches in NH. The Southern New Hampshire Branch, established in the 1970s, hosts a variety of programs concerning women’s education and equity issues that are open to the public. Members of the branch live in the following New Hampshire communities: Amherst, Dover, Exeter, Hanover, Hollis, Manchester, Merrimack, Milford, Mont Vernon, Nashua, Wilton, and Wolfboro. For more information about the organization contact Membership Co-chair Liz MacMillan at liz@macstewart.net.
November 5, via ZOOM
Making pies isn’t as hard as you might think! Chef Liz Barbour will talk about the history of pies, how to make tender, flaky crusts, and what sweet and savory fillings to use on Thursday, November 5.
Following the discussion, Liz will demonstrate how to make the perfect pie crust followed by the demonstration of two delicious pies you can try at home. Recipes will be provided in advance for those who wish to bake along with Liz!
Liz Barbour has been cooking professionally in the Boston area since 1992 and started The Creative Feast in 2004.

Chef Liz Barbour of Creative Feast
Liz’s cooking demonstrations and recipes have been featured on New Hampshire Chronicle, Channel 9’s “Cooks Corner” and in various publications including New Hampshire Magazine. In 2017 Liz published her first cookbook “Beautifully Delicious: Cooking with Herbs & Edible Flowers.”
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the garden club has been meeting online. Our business meeting will begin at 9:15 am, followed by Liz’s presentation at 10:30 am. Advanced registration is required for the presentation and attendance is limited to 100. Garden club members will have preference, but if there are unfilled spots we will open it up to the public. Contact the garden club at info@amherstgardenclub.org if you would like to attend the business meeting or be added to the waiting list for Liz’s presentation.
Wigwam Garden Memorial Walkway
Remembering Those Who Have Passed
Memory Tree Tradition for 2020 Kicks Off Holiday Season
AMHERST - The lighting of the Memory Tree is a 25-year-old tradition in our community sponsored by the Amherst Garden Club.
Sweet Baby Blue Eyes, the blue spruce tree planted across from the Brick School on the Amherst Village Green, will be lit on December 11th. Although the spruce tree is in its infancy and still quite small, the message is significant. As one donor wrote on our web page, “The Memory Tree is so beautiful and appropriate for such a difficult time of year. The beauty and light reminds us of our loved ones. This is a powerful reminder that we can include those who have died in our Christmas celebration, though, just in a different way”.
For a small donation, $10.00 to an individual or $25.00 for a family, you may have a loved one remembered. The deadline this year is December 4th. Names of the remembered are posted on a large board beside the tree, as well as listed in the Amherst Citizen.
Donations are placed in the Amherst Garden Club Charitable Fund (https://amherstgardenclub.org/giving/charitable-fund/) and proceeds are awarded to a community project that aligns with the mission of the AGC.
In this era of Covid 19, we’ve made it easy. You can participate electronically. We have created a site that is user friendly, easy to access and is securely serviced by WePay, a BNY Mellon company. Sign up instructions are clear and simple to follow. Online access will be available from October 1 through December 4th. Please click here to learn more The Memory Tree.
You can also find the Memory Tree signup on the Amherst Garden Club Facebook. Look for the Memory Tree.
For further inquiry, please contact Barbara Dalrymple @ barbaracdalrymple@gmail.com.

AMHERST – As a way to honor those who have come before us, the Historical Society has created a Memorial Walkway in the garden behind the Wigwam. Engraved bricks can be purchased and placed in memory of deceased Historical Society members, or for those who resided in Amherst for at least a portion of their lives.
Thanks to the efforts of the Amherst Garden Club, the walkway is surrounded by historic and beautifully maintained plantings – a serene spot to remember the many who contributed to preserving Amherst’s past and to making it the wonderful community it is today.
The Historical Society kicked off this walkway project by placing bricks for the last five Board members who have passed - Charlie Duval, Bonnie Struss, Dick Martini, Helen Rowe and Bill Wichman. We hope you’ll consider memorializing someone special with a tax-deductible gift of $100 per brick. All proceeds will go toward the maintenance and preservation of the Historical Society’s two museums and the artifacts they house. Engraved bricks will be installed in groups throughout the non-frozen year.
To order by mail, complete the Brick Order Form and send it to the address on the form with a check made payable to HSANH. To order electronically, email the pertinent information on the form (or attach a scan) to historicalsociety@hsanh.org, and pay with the link below. Your order will be acknowledged, and you will be notified when your brick is placed.
Thanks for helping us in our mission of remembering those who have passed.