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Bicycle Pedestrian Committee Work Moving Ahead

Amherst Street Project Underway, others on the horizon 

      AMHERST – The Amherst Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), a subcommittee of the Board of Selectmen, was created to facilitate a town-wide network for the enhancement and encouragement of safe, multi-use transportation for connectivity, recreation, and health through the development of strategic and actionable plans. The Board of Selectmen accepted the Amherst Multimodal Master Plan in early 2019. The committee has been working diligently to identify and prioritize cost-effective efforts in coordination with the Amherst Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works, the Community Development Office, the Board of Selectmen and input from the community.  

      The first major project is now under contract with Continental Paving as part of the work being done on Amherst Street, from Courthouse Road to the Milford border. This project will result in a 1.9 mile, paved, bi-directional, multimodal path separated from traffic by 5 feet. The path will safely connect several neighborhoods with the village as well as providing a safe way to travel to Milford. DPW is expecting the project to  be completed by the end of April. The committee is working with the Milford DPW regarding a proposed extension from the Milford border to the Oval. That portion of the project would be entirely funded by Milford as they work to upgrade the route in the near future. The Board of Selectmen and DPW are assisting the committee with efforts to have Route 122 from Courthouse Road to Baboosic Lake Road/Birch Park re-striped to extend the multimodal path. This portion of the road is maintained by the state.  

      Recognized as the top priority for the community, the committee continues to focus on routes along Boston Post Road from the village to the schools. The first section to be addressed is from Simeon Wilson Road to Homestead Road. This project will be done independent of major road work and requires surveying and engineering work. It also requires a bridge to be built where the road crosses wetlands near the end of Stearns Rd. Efforts with DPW have started as the committee tries to develop the most cost effective plan for this effort.  

      The committee continues to encourage input and help from the community, which has led to upwards of 30 suggested projects. Though not every proposal is feasible or in our immediate focus, many offer excellent opportunities that could make for safer alternative transportation throughout our community.  

      Committee meetings are held monthly, currently held via Zoom. Agendas and minutes are posted on the town website. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments on the committee Facebook page: “Amherst Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee”


Rescue of a Great Egret in Amherst


      On Saturday afternoon Amherst’s Finest responded to a call that an injured great egret was attempting to cross Route 101 near Walnut Hill Road. Eventually, the bird was apprehended and placed in the police cruiser for relocation to a local wetlands. Thank you to Officer Christopher J. Corey.



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