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Garden Club Events

Amherst Garden Club Presents: 

“How to Interpret a Forest’s History” with Tom Wessels

VIRTUAL PROGRAM • Thursday, May 6th, 10:30 AM

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      AMHERST – Ecologist Tom Wessels has spent more than twenty years interpreting New England’s landscape and teaching others to see “the forest for the trees.” An intrepid sleuth and articulate tutor, Tom will teach us how to interpret the landscape the way one might solve a mystery. What exactly is the meaning of all those stone walls in the middle of the forest? Why are pine trees dominant in one patch of forest and maples in another? How do you tell the age of a beaver pond and determine if beavers still live there?

      This interactive presentation will guide us to a fuller understanding of our home ground. After a short introduction to reading forested landscapes, Tom will interpret photos we submit of landscape features we would like explained — oddly growing trees, unusual scarring on a tree trunk, or a patch of young saplings amid dense forest, for example. Through Tom we’ll learn to see the forest in a new light. No walk in the woods will ever be the same!

      Tom Wessels is Professor Emeritus at Antioch University where he founded the master’s degree program in Conservation Biology. As a terrestrial ecologist he has interests in forest, desert, arctic, and alpine ecosystems, plus a strong interest in evolutionary ecology, complex systems, and sustainability. He is author of numerous books, including the highly acclaimed Reading the Forested Landscape: A Natural History of New England. His latest, New England’s Roadside Ecology: Explore 30 of the Regions Unique Natural Areas, will become available during spring of 2021.

      During the pandemic, the garden club has been meeting online. Our business meeting will begin at 9:15 am, followed by Tom’s presentation at 10:30 am. Contact the garden club at if you would like to attend the business meeting, presentation, or both. You can also let us know if you have photos for Tom to interpret, time permitting.


​Our Spring Plant Sale is Back: Online!

Starting April 28th • Pickup May 8th


      AMHERST – A spring tradition that was sadly missed in 2020 will be back this year! Marti Warren, Karen Woodbury and Elise Lutz, along with many dedicated members of The Amherst Garden Club, have been busy for months working out the details for the 2021 Amherst Plant Sale to be held online only. Our club members will dig, pot and label to sell our usual high quality, locally grown perennials. You will be able to purchase these plants through our new online shop starting at 8:30 AM on April 28.             Shop early for best selection! The sale will close on May 1 at 12:00 noon. Look for the link to the shop on our website ( or on our Facebook page.  There will be photos of the perennials as mature plants, plant descriptions, and planting guidelines for all the plants we are offering for sale. 

      In addition to our featured locally grown perennials, our sale will include an auction selection of baskets creatively filled by our members with items perfect for Mother’s Day, or other gift giving occasions. Some themes for the baskets include gardening equipment, bees, Swedish baking, Bonsai, and Birds. Hanging Baskets of annual flowers will be available for purchase,  grown by Trombly Gardens of Milford. The shop will also offer a curated selection of gently used gardening equipment and ornaments. 

      Payment will be made online during our sale hours. Plan to pick up your order curbside on Saturday, May 8. (You will be notified of your pick up time prior to May 8.) Our masked plant sale helpers will load your car with your order- contact-free, no need to get out of your car. We can’t wait to see you for pick up on May 8!  


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Checking a garden book, are members: L-R: Anne Krantz, Mary Salmon, Claudia Everest

Amherst Garden Club Day at Amherst Garden Center

Open to the public May 15, 2021


Garden Club Members: L-R: Marge McAdams, Mary Ann Kuhnert, Patty Stafford, Pat Legere

      AMHERST – Come visit Amherst Garden Club members on Saturday, May 15 as we tie on our garden aprons to sell plants at the Amherst Garden Center on Route 101. It’s a perfect time to purchase vegetable plants, perennials, annuals or shrubs as the nursery will be bursting with plants. A percentage of the sales will go into the club’s Plant Sale 2021 earnings. Owner, John Cochran, graciously invited the club to participate after last year’s plant sale was cancelled, and an online-sale coming up the week before Mother’s Day will be a first for the club this year.  The plant sale is the club’s biggest fundraiser, raising money that goes back to the town in the form of replacing trees, plants for 11 civic gardens, horticultural speakers (open to the public), community grants, and scholarships.

      The morning starts at 8:30am and the public is encouraged to come with questions for the garden club members. They will be happy to guide and assist everyone in finding the right plants for their landscapes. Also during the day, Peggy Wallace will be selling her beautiful glass garden ornaments. Flyers will be available from UNH Extension on a variety of gardening issues. Please save the date for all your garden shopping and help the Amherst Garden Club during this pandemic year.


APRIL 2021

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