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The ACC Celebrates Earth Day 2021 

Acts of Green Series*

      AMHERST – Earth Day is 51 years old on April 22, 2021.  It began in 1970, during an era of civic action when concerned citizens from all walks of life held environmental teach-ins.

     Around the USA, people gathered to learn the facts about environmental degradation happening across the country. Today, we might not call the actions teach-ins, however, individuals, governments and non-profit organizations around the world are planning their own activities for Earth Day.  The Amherst Conservation Commission (ACC) continues to celebrate Earth Day, every day, by working to protect and conserve land and natural resources and promote the use of outdoors for pedestrian recreation. 

     This Earth Day, the focus in the USA and around the world is on climate change.  It is up to every one of us to restore our Earth, not just because we care about the natural world, but because we literally live on it. We all need a healthy Earth to support our jobs, livelihoods, health and happiness, and to have fun.  A healthy Amherst, a healthy New Hampshire, a healthy

country, and a healthy planet is a necessity. It is up to all of us to promote.  The phrase “think globally, act locally” was used 51 years ago and it is relevant today.  There are small steps we can all take to restore our Earth and assure that we can enjoy our forests and waterways for hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation for many years to come.   


1)  Join the Amherst Conservation Commission on May 15, 2021, to participate in Amherst Clean-up Day.  Look for more details as the time gets closer. For now, mark the date on your calendar.

2)  Try Backyard Composting.  Food waste is one of the world’s biggest contributors to climate change.  Hundreds of millions of tons of food are thrown away each year. Composting is one solution to the growing problem of food waste. Composting is easy to do, it helps mitigate the climate impact from food waste (by reducing methane production from decomposition), has less impact on our transfer station (dump), it does not smell, and it is inexpensive to set up.

      The results of composting are also

good for your flower and vegetable gardens.


      Below are links to learn more about food waste and get you started on composting.


    *This article is the first in a series of articles that will focus on the activities of the ACC and the environmental issues it addresses in its work.  The series is also an opportunity for others in the community to share their ideas about environmental and conservation matters.  Guest contributions to the series are welcome. Please submit your article to the ACC at this link. The ACC reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of the material and whether or not it will be posted:


Using Science to Conserve Biodiversity, Manage Open Space and Promote Outdoor Recreation 


Contact Us: Amherst Conservation Commission 

2 Main Street, Town Hall. Amherst NH 03031


Historical Society

Virtual Program on Captain Josiah Crosby – April 12th 

Historical Society of Amherst

Jos.Crosby logo.jpg

      AMHERST – Does the name Josiah Crosby sound familiar? Captain Josiah Crosby, who led the Amherst Militia at Bunker Hill in 1775, was an incredibly civic minded man who reared a large family. His name has become part of local legend--but what’s his real story? 

      Join our own genealogist Jackie Marshall for a virtual HSANH program on the life of Capt. Crosby. We’ll debunk a couple of myths, starting with that green state highway marker on Emerson Road in Milford. Josiah Crosby managed to live nearly his entire adult life on just one farm and yet he resided in three different towns!

      Because this program was originally compiled for the Capt. Josiah Crosby Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) we’ll also learn a bit about the society and how Revolutionary War patriots are recognized.

      Hope to see you on April 12. To join us, just click here:  

The Scheduled Zoom Program 

Josiah Crosby grave.jpg
Josiah Crosby roadmark.jpg

APRIL 2021

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